Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Fan of Dawgbones...

Perhaps one of the best benefits to all of the Ginter madness infecting the blogosphere lately is the ability to trade/beg/borrow/or steal all you could want of the new stuff without the hassle of actually buying and busting packs.

Not having a whole lot of scratch for new cards this season, let alone buying a box (or case), I've been perusing each and every post, whether it be Gint-a-Cuffs or just be-cause.

This has allowed me to buy a complete base card set for my Phillies and a few extras for some of my other collections.

Enter Chris, over at Nachos Grande, he buys and busts a bunch of Ginter, selling off the extras to finance future Ginter goodness.

I struck a deal with him for three cards:

Mr. Worley is a former Phillie, as well as a current Twins.

Mr. Doerr was my very first TTM success, for which I will be eternally grateful.

and I just could not pass up a pin stripe from one of my boys, Mr. Lee. He had another steller performance against the dredded Mutts last night! (as both these teams have resided in 3rd place for most of the season, fighting damned hard for that 4th place slot!!)

Little did I know that my "GReat" deal would end up costing a good portion of his proceeds in postage!!
So I sent the additional $$ to cover that goof-up! Thanks for the cards Chris, it's always cheesey trading with you!

thanks for reading,
have a GReat day!

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