Friday, October 7, 2011

Another Surprise..

and I'm an ASS!! I got this package too long ago to not have posted about!! Ryan, of
"O" No!!! Another Orioles Blog, sent me a surprise "FEMA" assistance package!

As I'm sure everybody's aware of, back in July, lightning struck somewhere in the GReat Dismal Swamp, starting a large fire that is still not completely out yet, leading to some very murky morning commutes, filled with hazy, smoke filled smog/fog. Even Ryan has been affected by this fire...

I live in the GReater Hampton Roads area, and Ryan is a city neighbor, lives in the GReater Richmond area, we live less than 2 hours apart by car. He was a lot closer to the earthquake that hit central Virginia back on August 23rd. To top that off in what I now refer to as the GReat Barbequed Martini Hurriquake of ought 11, was Hurricane Irene less than a week later, Smoked, Shaken, and Stirred!!!

Now, on to the goodies, Ryan sent me about a gazillion cards for my 2007 Topps Domination quest (thanks for the title, Troll):

Thanks for eliminating my Hurriquake fears with a flood of '07 Topps there Ryan! And please forgive my tardiness with this LONG overdue post. I am, indeed, an ASS!

Look for another post later today, I got some Updates and Highlights for you!

thanks for reading,
have a GReat weekend!

1 comment:

Ryan H said...

Haha, funny you mentioned a flood of cards. I think I packaged up these cards while the remnants of Tropical Storm Lee was creating a newly formed lake in my back yard!