Monday, January 31, 2011

Trade post...

Flipping through several of my regular reads, and in turn, picking and clicking through a few of the links to other blogs on those, I somehow or another ran across Colby, over at Cardboard Collections, while he was having his Tim Tebow RC contest. Anywhoo, after entering his Oh so Easy contest (or something along those lines), I poked through some of his want lists, as well as some of his available lists, sent him and email, and then snail mailed him a bubbler. In return for my searching and mouse clicking, I was rewarded with the following:

Not quite the same as pulling one from a pack of cards, but I get what fits my collection everytime this way!!!

Pretty damned cool in my book!!
Thanks Colby, Hope you get your package soon.
Have a GReat night, thanks for reading,

Colby's also having a very affordable group break for February as well, if you are interested, go on over and check it out here. He's got single teams for $9, and two for $16, he's even got a couple of teams for as low as $6.

and if you've wanted a card of your favorite team from every product out there (or at least it seems that way)
BA Benny's also having his very first group break as well, busting one baseball box of everything located in the state of New York, it seems. Go on over here and check his out as well, just keep yer paws of my Phillies!!


BA Benny said...

Nice Rollins card. Thanks for the plug.

flywheels said...

Thanks! Glad you like the card.